Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay #ActionAgainstPoverty #NelsonMandela #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Nelson Mandela International Day Mandela Day ! Each year, Nelson Mandela International Day 18 July. It is better known by its English name "Mandela Day", and has been around for 2010. This date is also Nelson Mandela's birthday..
Un : Hunger is growing#Coronavirus #Covid19 #HungerPandemic #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Un : Hunger increases According to the United Nations report, as hunger rises and malnutrition persists, Achieving the goal "Zero hunger" from here to 2030 is compromised. Un : Hunger is on the rise ! By guaranteeing a
Stop child abuse#ONU #UNICEF #EcoleDuMonde #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Stop child abuse Since 1992, the United Nations has chosen the date of 4 june as world day of innocent child victims of aggression. It recalls the violence suffered by thousands of young people, across our planet.
The 8 may 1945 – End of the Second World War#MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
The 08 may 1945 – Fin de la seconde guerre mondiale Fin officielle de la guerre Le 8 may 1945 - End of the Second World War. L'histoire a retenu cette date pour marquer la fin d'un conflit inouï. La Seconde Guerre mondiale