Your safety is our priority#StopCovid19 #Coronavirus #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Your security is our priority To ensure the safety and health of our customers, our employees and employees, we signed a Charter. And we are committed to strictly respecting it. Your safety is our priority. We hold
Thanks to the health care staff ! #Thank you #MyMadagascar#MahajangaMaVille
Thanks to the health care staff ! A big thank you to the health staff ! All over the world, they are under increasing stress and insecurity in the face of an increasingly complex environment. Ne manquons pas à dire
More hope in Madagascar #Coronavirus #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Always more hope in Madagascar Coronavirus : Always more hope in Madagascar In Madagascar, there is no shortage of hope in the war against coronavirus covid-19. The Presidency, The Ministry of Public Health, scientists, artists and even simple citizens remain