On the way to the CAN 2025 : Madagascar's Barea prepares for double match in Morocco
On the way to the CAN 2025 : Barea de Madagascar se prépare pour un double match au Maroc Barea de Madagascar s'apprête à relever un défi crucial sur le sol marocain, with two decisive matches that could influence their path to
The Bareas of Madagascar are HUGE
Les Bareas de Madagascar sont IMMENSES Ils l’ont fait ! The Bareas of Madagascar, the most attractive team of this CHAN-2023, won 3rd place in the competition. ALEFA BAREA – BRAVO C’est une IMMENSE fierté pour tous les Malagasys Les Bareas de Madagascar
CHAN 2022 : Madagascar joins Senegal
CHAN 2022 : Madagascar rejoint le Sénégal Tout aussi impressionnant qu’en phase de groupes, Madagascar made short work of Mozambique (3-1) this Saturday in the CHAN quarter-finals 2022. In demonstration, the Bareas continue their historic journey for their first participation
Exceptional Bareas advance to quarter-finals
Des Bareas exceptionnels se qualifient pour les quarts de finale Madagascar décroche une qualification historique pour les quarts de finale du Championnat d'Afrique des Nations. And this, for his first participation in a final phase of the competition. Exceptional Bareas
HUGE BRAVO to the Barea of Madagascar
IMMENSE BRAVO aux Barea de Madagascar Les joueurs Malagasy ont réussi à s'imposer 2-1 against Ghana. Razafidranaivo and Randriantsiferana scored the two goals for Madagascar. The reduction in Agyapong's score was not enough to avoid defeat at the
Barea U20F Indian Ocean Champion #AlefaBarea #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Barea U20F Champion of the Indian Ocean Barea U20F Champion of the Indian Ocean, Football - UFFOI Andry Rajoelina prime the Barea. Barea U20F Indian Ocean Champion. The Barea U20 girls were awarded by the President of the Republic. The National Women's Under- 20 years has just achieved a feat. The Barea U20 girls come from