Let's support humanity, let's share this article
Let's support humanity, partageons cet article Des milliers d'enfants ont été enlevés. Dear friends, dear friends, let's support humanity by sharing this article to encourage others to do so too. Let's say STOP to the kidnapping ! Let's support humanity, partageons cet article Les membres d'Avaaz ont installé des ours
Book for your children !
Book for your children ! Book for your children during the end of year celebrations at Coco Lodge Majunga. You can come and celebrate with them at the Restaurant Gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga. We create a special space for them. Treat yourself to the best evening of
Stop child abuse#ONU #UNICEF #EcoleDuMonde #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Stop child abuse Since 1992, the United Nations has chosen the date of 4 june as world day of innocent child victims of aggression. It recalls the violence suffered by thousands of young people, across our planet.
Talented children rewarded #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Talented children rewarded Waste recycling Cardboard slippers. This is the result of the creation and research of Mickaella Tojosoa Ratokininosy 11 Antonio Ramanantena, aged 12 years, during the “Children researchers” competition.