Reinforced air links, an opportunity for Madagascar's tourism sector
Reinforced air links, une opportunité pour le secteur touristique de Madagascar Avec l’expansion continue des liaisons aériennes internationales, Madagascar is at a strategic turning point to strengthen its tourism sector. Cella by attracting a growing number of visitors from around the world. FHORM,
Corsair opens a new agency in Combani : A step towards greater proximity
CORSAIR OPENS A NEW AGENCY IN COMBANI : UN PAS VERS PLUS DE PROXIMITE Ce mardi dernier 22 October 2024, Corsair has opened a new agency in Combani to better serve its Mahorese customers and strengthen its presence on the island. Then
Airline company : CORSAIR spreads its wings again in Madagascar
Airline company : CORSAIR déploie de nouveau ses ailes à Madagascar L'adhésion de Corsair à la Confédération du Tourisme de Madagascar -CTM- strengthens the air transport offer. Excellent news 😊. On the other hand, it is a priority axis for the tourism development of Madagascar in
Madagascar Airlines has linked up with Corsair to maintain its flights to Paris
Madagascar Airlines s’est lié à Corsair pour maintenir ses vols vers Paris Madagascar Airlines a conclu un accord avec Corsair pour maintenir ses vols vers Paris. The flights will be marketed by the company but the travel will be provided by Corsair. Madagascar
Corsair won the Travel d'Or 2023
Corsair won the Travel d'Or 2023 During the Travel d’Or gala 2023, Corsair won the general public award for the best French airline. Congratulations to the whole team ! Corsair won the Travel d'Or 2023 The company
Air : Corsair once again spreads its wings to Madagascar
Air : Corsair déploie à nouveau ses ailes vers Madagascar Une nouvelle tant attendue, Corsair will resume its wings to Madagascar from Paris-Orly and Saint-Denis airports in Reunion from 27 June 2023. The company is planning two flights
Corsair : Merger with Air Austral
Corsair : Merger with Air Austral Everything is hypothetical at the moment for Corsair. Jules Perreau, the regional director of the Indian Ocean of Corsair, has swept the news of recent months, notably the renewal of the company's fleet, but also the
Cooperation between Air Austral and Corsair
Deployment of an enriched service offering for the benefit of passengers in the Indian Ocean, while improving the economic profitability of operations