Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES : DES VOLS EN PLUS POUR MADAGASCAR Ethiopian Airlines a annoncé une augmentation de la fréquence de ses vols vers Madagascar à partir de juin 2025, passing from 10 to 17 weekly flights. This expansion strengthens air connectivity

FLY-LI : UN SOUTIEN AERIEN POUR LA RECONSTRUCTION DE MAYOTTE Fly-li s'engage activement pour la reconstruction de Mayotte. This by strengthening mobility between the islands and supporting the local economy through the opening of regular flights from March 2025. Fly-Li :

VOLS INTERPROVINCIAUX : UNE REDUCTION TARIFAIRE POUR LES VOYAGEURS MALAGASY Madagascar Airlines offre une réduction importante des tarifs des vols interprovinciaux, making air travel more accessible for many Malagasy travelers. Une baisse significative des prix des vols interprovinciaux Les prix des

Madagascar Airlines strengthens its fleet for the end-of-year holidays 2024 As the end-of-year holidays approach, Madagascar Airlines is making additional efforts to ensure smooth and reliable air transport. This while meeting strong demand