Lower taxes to make tickets cheaper
Baisser les taxes pour rendre les billets moins chers Le poids des taxes pèse lourd dans la structure du prix du billet d’avion alors que l'offre du transport est une question centrale dans la relance du tourisme. Indeed, It is necessary to
Finally a date for the reopening of the Comoros – Madagascar line
Enfin une date pour la réouverture de la ligne Comores – Madagascar Une nouvelle très attendue depuis longtemps … Enfin une date pour la réouverture de la ligne Comores – Madagascar, announced by Air Madagascar. The company will soon resume its
Comoros ticket price – Madagascar
Comoros ticket price - Madagascar Many are waiting for the news. The Comoros direct link - Madagascar has been closed for a very long time. Is it possible to reach the Big Island from Comoros, If Yes, what is the price of the ticket Comoros – Madagascar
Tsaradia : Three flights per week between Antananarivo – Majunga
Tsaradia : Three flights per week between Antananarivo - Majunga The Tsaradia agency announced that from 28 next June, it will operate three flights per week between Antananarivo - Majunga. In this article, we inform you about the timetables and the
Paris – Tana : Cheap plane tickets
Paris – Tana : Cheap plane tickets The race of companies for low-cost plane tickets underway, the Tana – Paris line - Tana can cost up to less than 850 euros during off-peak season. The
Air Madagascar : Promotional tickets
Air Madagascar : Promotional tickets The airline Air Madagascar or Madagascar Airlines is setting up a promotion on France – Madagascar and Réunion – Madagascar tickets. Tourism resumes. Offers on France This promotional offer concerns travel
Madagascar is ready for the total reopening of borders
Madagascar is ready for the total reopening of borders From now on, Madagascar is ready for the total reopening of borders, confirmed the Minister of Transport and Meteorology during an interview this 31 March 2022. More flights, cheaper tickets The
Air Madagascar : How to get reimbursed ?
Air Madagascar : How to get reimbursed ? Air Madagascar : How to get reimbursed ? Many are waiting for a clear answer to this question. Here, you will find the information officially confirmed by the company Air Madagascar (Madagascar Airlines) herself. Getting tickets A
FOIRE AUX QUESTIONS PAR AIR MADAGASCAR La compagnie aérienne Air Madagascar a publié une foire aux questions, to clear up his situation once and for all. What was the decision of the Court for Air Madagascar and Tsaradia ? Après examen des déclarations
Air Transport : Contract between the State and Ravinala Airports
Air Transport : Contract between the Malagasy State and Ravinala Airports After the signing of the contract between the State and Ravinala Airports, the Minister of Tourism Joël Randriamandranto has provided some clarification to clarify things. Clarifications for useful purposes To dissipate any
Ticket prices to go to Madagascar
Ticket prices to go to Madagascar How much are the ticket prices to go to Madagascar and back ? Since the reopening of Madagascar's borders in October and November 2021, there has been a lot of confusion about the