Air Madagascar : Ticket refunded in case of visa refusal
Air Madagascar : Ticket refunded in case of visa refusal Air Madagascar announced on its Facebook page that a ticket will be refundable in the event of visa refusal; but with conditions of course. Air Madagascar : Ticket refunded in case
Corsair : Merger with Air Austral
Corsair : Merger with Air Austral Everything is hypothetical at the moment for Corsair. Jules Perreau, the regional director of the Indian Ocean of Corsair, has swept the news of recent months, notably the renewal of the company's fleet, but also the
Air Madagascar : Promotional tickets
Air Madagascar : Promotional tickets The airline Air Madagascar or Madagascar Airlines is setting up a promotion on France – Madagascar and Réunion – Madagascar tickets. Tourism resumes. Offers on France This promotional offer concerns travel
Vol charter Comores – Madagascar
Charter flight Comoros – Madagascar Rogers Aviation to organize a charter flight between Comoros and Madagascar this month. He is just waiting for permission from the authorities to confirm the date. Vol charter Comoros – Madagascar An ATR 72/500 with a capacity of 55 passengers will ensure
Air Madagascar needs 69 million dollars for its relaunch
Air Madagascar needs 69 million dollars for its relaunch The pandemic has hit Air Madagascar hard like so many other airlines. This aggravated his pre-existing financial difficulties. The company must find no less than 69
How to reach Madagascar from Comoros for now ?
How to reach Madagascar from Comoros for now ? Direct Comoros-Madagascar flights have still not resumed. But if we wanted to travel from the Comoros islands to the big island at all costs ?
Madagascar embarks on a total reopening
Madagascar launches towards a total reopening Currently, the big island is moving more and more towards a total reopening of its borders. Ewa Air resumes its rotations to Mahajanga from this Friday 15 April 2022. And NEOS Air,
Ewa Air : 1is vol Mayotte – Majunga
Ewa Air : 1is vol Mayotte - Majunga Long-awaited news... Flights between Mayotte and Majunga will finally resume. Ewa Air : 1is vol Mayotte - Majunga this Friday 15 April 2022. She will perform
Air : Preparation for the resumption of flights to Nosy-Be
Air : Preparation for the resumption of flights to Nosy-Be Wednesday Council of Ministers 30 March 2022 announced the resumption of flights linking Reunion to Nosy Be and those linking Mayotte to Nosy Be. A government delegation
Madagascar : Tourism professionals and the reopening of borders
Madagascar : Les professionnels du tourisme et la réouverture des frontières Le Conseil des Ministres du 23 February announced the total reopening of Madagascar's borders for 5 last March, sous conditions. The Ministerial press release of 05 Mars dernier a
Meeting : Statistics on the resumption of aviation activities
Meeting : Statistiques de la reprise des activités aériennes Avec l’épidémie actuelle, les transports aériens ont beaucoup souffert. Les mesures de restrictions, les frontières fermées et les vols annulés ont fait mettre un genou à terre au secteur, ainsi les statistiques