What happened on 29 March 1947 ?
What happened on 29 March 1947 ? The date of the 29 March is very symbolic in the history of Madagascar. To understand, so you have to know : What happened on 29 March 1947 ? Insurrection Madagascar was still under French colonization. There are a 75
Happy Independence Day to all Malagasy ! #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Happy Independence Day to all Malagasy ! This Friday 26 June, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Madagascar's Independence, a must-see event. Happy Independence Day to all Malagasy ! This date reminds us, Indeed, the proclamation of independence
29 March - Commemoration despite #Covid19 coronavirus #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #TousEnsembleContreLeCoronavirus
29 MARCH - COMMEMORATION DESPITE CORONAVIRUS 29 March – Commemoration despite the coronavirus The President of the Republic rekindles the flame of patriotism and national solidarity to win the epidemiological war. 29 March - Commemoration despite coronavirus. A sober tribute The state