Stop child abuse#ONU #UNICEF #EcoleDuMonde #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Stop child abuse
Since 1992, the United Nations #8217 has chosen the date of the 4 June as World Day of Innocent Child Victims of #8217 Assault. It recalls the violence suffered by thousands of young people, across our planet. So on this day, we need to think about these children and protect them. Stop child abuse !
Not all children have the same chance.
All over the world, not all children have the same chance. It's an unfortunate reality. Indeed, some children may be victims of abuse. That is why the United Nations has chosen this international day.
It is a day that aims to raise awareness of the suffering that children who are victims of physical violence, mental and emotional endure all over the world. And it reminds us of theUN commitment to the protection of children's rights.
Majority of young beggars are at risk of being exploited in different ways by malicious adults. Although the rights of children today are human rights ” Holy “, poverty, work and conflict often lead them to do things that lead them to their loss. Unfortunately, this is the case in Madagascar.
This is an opportunity for people around the world to become aware of the monstrous impact of abuse, in all their forms, on children. It is also the time when diverse organizations and individuals can learn and even participate in awareness campaigns focused on protecting children's rights (Nations, 2012).
Containment increases the risk of home assaults.
In this period of containment in the fight against the spread of coronavirus, the risk of assault increases. Whether it's domestic assault or child abuse. Not only, tensions can rise very quickly because of the pressures caused by this crisis, but victims also find it difficult to find a way out.
To help these victims, each of us is responsible. If you witness any violence or abuse, react ! You can always alert local authorities.
As Albert Einstein said :
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch it without doing anything"
How to eradicate this violence against innocent children ?
Let's be the change ! Every and every one of us can step in. Set, we can help improve the conditions for a dignified life for all.
- Increase awareness in your community, talking about the reality of violence and the importance of a just and peaceful society. We need to figure out how to pursue the goals of sustainable development in your daily life.
- Exercise your rights to keep elected officials accountable. Exercise your rights to freedom of expression and share your opinions with your representatives and elected officials.
- We must promote inclusion and respect for people with different backgrounds, ethnic backgrounds, Religion, Kind, sexual orientation or different opinions.
Stop child abuse !
It is important to think of those who suffer, especially children. May these children around the world be able to live without fear of various attacks !
Several national and international institutions as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOS), carry out activities to care for and supervise these children. Coco Lodge Majunga would like to express its personal thanks to these entities for their contribution.
Thanks to theUNICEF, to theHeart Points association, to theSchool of the World, to Zaza Malagasy, to theNGO Zazakely, and all those who fight for the protection of children.
By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
We are both :
- one Hôtel★★★,
- one Gourmet restaurant,
- one 4x4 renter chauffeur guide
- one Event organizer (conferences, seminars, workshops, lunches/dinners with themes, wedding, anniversary, boy-girl stag, …).
- one Tour operator which organises tours on Majunga and its surroundings and many more. Discover the Anjohibe Caves, Ankarafantsika National Park, Sacred Lake, Cirque Rouge and the beaches. Not to mention the Antrema reserve, the lighthouse of Katsepy, Papamena, The Poseidon, Mahavavy Kinkony Complex, Namoroka tsingys, ….
For your holidays or business trips, the whole team of the Hotel ★★★ Coco Lodge will meet your expectations and satisfy your needs with great pleasure. Our goal is to offer you an unforgettable stay in the city of Majunga.