Save Majunga – Open Mayotte
Save Majunga – Open Mayotte 😊
Reminder, the Council of Ministers of 23 February 2022 decided on a conditional reopening of Madagascar's borders from 5 March 2022. Then, les conditions ont été communiquées le jour même de cette réouverture, i.e. the 05 March.
Unfortunately, seuls quelques aéroports dont celui de Toamasina et de Nosy-Be sont concernés par cette réouverture, en plus de celui d’Antananarivo.
Once again, Majunga tombe aux oubliettes.
Les professionnels du tourisme de Majunga et de toute la grande île sont déçus suite à cette annonce, car ils attendaient la réouverture totale.
Tourisme = économie
Majunga tourism operators met on 07 March faced with the announcement of the reopening of Madagascar's borders : « We were ignored once again, no decision has been taken for the town of Majunga ».
« We have been confined for two years between a closed airport and an increasingly damaged road from Tana (le trajet prend entre 12 and 14 heures …) » they say.
Also, Majunga tourist operators demand the opening of regional flights to and from Mayotte : « Save Majunga – Open Mayotte » these are their demands.
Mayotte is one of the destinations that generates the most foreign currency for Mahajanga tourist operators. Front, il y avait aussi des vols directs entre l’île de la Réunion et Majunga. Ce n’est plus le cas !??…
Les opérateurs touristiques de Majunga attendent de tout cœur que leurs revendications soient enfin entendues et prises en compte.
Businesses demand a “real” reopening of borders
The CTM (Madagascar Tourism Confederation), le GEM (Madagascar Business Group) et le FIVMPAMA (Groupement du Patronat Malagasy) ont tenu aussi une conférence de presse hier le 09 March 2022 après-midi à l’Hôtel IBIS.
Indeed, cette conférence de presse a été un plaidoyer pour la réouverture effective de Madagascar. Ils ont souligné la fragilité du métier de tour operating depuis la crise.
To save the tourist season 2022, they ask for it lifting of restrictive measures for the opening of borders and especially quarantine.
Elles exigent que toutes les compagnies aériennes puissent revenir : Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, Ewa, etc… Elles demandent une gestion efficace du dossier du transport aérien.
Thus, the private sector urges the government to take into consideration 4 following points :
- The opening of Madagascar to all airlines,
- The reopening of all international airports in Madagascar, including Mahajanga,
- Lifting the PCR test on arrival and compulsory confinement until the result,
- The urgent renovation of roads including the RN4 which serves Antananarivo to Mahajanga
Thank you.
Reminder, we're both :
- One hôtel★★★ with 18 spacious comfortable rooms,
- One gourmet restaurant with a beautiful wine cellar, whiskies, rums and champagnes with a capacity of 60 Covered, offering Malagasy cuisine, French, Lebanese, pizzas and seafood specialties,
- Un bar piscine with cocktails, "tsakitsaky", pancakes and waffles available at all hours,
- One organizer of events and conferences with 3 meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 90 people. In addition, we can receive themed lunch/dinner, engagement, wedding, anniversary, … Even a bachelor/bachelorette party, or a marriage proposal, …
- A travel and tourism services company (License C),
- One tour operator (B license),
- A 4×4 rental company and quads (with valid liability insurance) and with graduate drivers guide. We can insure your transfers in all Madagascar. For example from Antananarivo airport to Majunga, from Nosy Be to Majunga, even between Antsiranana and Majunga.
Merci Christian.
Comment vas-tu ? Où es-tu ?
J’espère que ça va mieux après le braquage dont vous avez été victime.
Donne des nouvelles stp.
Thanks in advance.