Sustaining mangrove conservation #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #SosMangroves
Popularize laws to sustain the conservation of mangroves
En 2019, Madagascar is committed to sustainable mangrove management. It is under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Breeding and Fishing. Popularize laws to sustain the conservation of mangroves.
Civil society in Ambaro Bay has decided to raise awareness of the importance and challenges of the mangrove ecosystem in northwestern Madagascar. It is to reinforce this commitment.
Their objective is to share vision and practice around the laws governing mangroves between public actors and civil society organizations including local communities.. A regional meeting was organized in October 2019.
At the end of this regional meeting, a simplified guide has been published. This guide covers all the legal texts that govern the sustainable management of mangroves. Developed by Alliance Voahary Gasy, this guide also offers good practices to deal with illegal exploitation and destructive practices of mangroves.
The initiative is supported by WWF together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation in Germany (BMZ).
“Natural capital with multiple benefits that must be sustained, the mangrove could be an insurance for the well-being of Malagasy people” according to Rostaing Razafindranaivo of the WWF.
“It is a legacy that contributes to food security, protecting against coastal erosion and mitigating global warming,” he added..
L’Hôtel★★★ Coco Lodge Majunga would like to congratulate them for this wonderful initiative.. And we would also like to remind you of the importance of this unique ecosystem.
Why should we conserve mangroves ?
First, you should know that the mangrove is a typical ecosystem of tropical coasts. It is a kind of sea marsh located in the tidal swing area (called foreshore) or at the mouth of certain rivers.
In these rare ecosystems, vegetation must adapt to a hostile environment, especially the salinity of the water. Indeed, they find themselves at the meeting point between land and sea in tropical regions.
The mangrove is a unique ecosystem, which provides many services to the planet and to humans.
Mangroves occupy the coasts and deltas of tropical regions. They thus provide excellent protection against coastal erosion and even against tsunamis. !
Although the mangrove currently covers an area of approximately 150.000 km2 on our planet (in the intertropical zone) and that’it is present in 123 country, it is a globally rare ecosystem.
Mangrove forests account for less than 1% of all tropical forests worldwide and less than 0,4% of the global forest estate.
All over the planet, they are the last refuge of endangered species such as proboscis monkeys (endangered monkeys) in Borneo.
This ecosystem is home to a diverse fauna, on earth, in the water and even in the air. You can see many birds here., see the NAP CMK site in Mahajanga – Madagascar.
It provides the populations living on these coasts :
- forest resources
- fishery resources (for fishing)
- and therefore food security
In addition, mangroves serve to :
- stabilize fragile coastal areas threatened by erosion
- form a natural barrier against tsunamis
- harbor a great biodiversity
- mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon
Gold, these mangrove forests are endangered for mainly economic reasons. In Southeast Asia, the main cause of destruction is aquaculture and shrimp farms. This industry would be at the origin of the disappearance of 65.000 hectares of mangrove in Thailand.
In other areas, especially in the Pacific island territories, It is rising sea levels due to global warming that threatens these forests.
Mangroves are estimated to be disappearing three to five times faster than other forests in the world, with serious ecological and socio-economic impacts.
Therefore, we have every reason to keep them.
By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
Coco Lodge Majunga, It is :
- one Hôtel★★★,
- one Gourmet restaurant,
- one 4x4 renter chauffeur guide
- one Event organizer (conferences, seminars, workshops, lunches/dinners with themes, wedding, anniversary, boy-girl stag, …).
- one Tour operator which organises tours on Majunga and its surroundings and many more. Discover the Anjohibe Caves, Ankarafantsika National Park, Sacred Lake, Cirque Rouge and the beaches. Not to mention the Antrema reserve, the lighthouse of Katsepy, Papamena, The Poseidon, Mahavavy Kinkony Complex, Namoroka tsingys, ….
For your holidays or business trips, the whole team of the Hotel ★★★ Coco Lodge is delighted to meet your expectations and satisfy your needs. Our goal is to offer you an unforgettable stay in the city of Majunga.