Exceptional Measures Against Coronavirus #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Exceptional Measures Against Coronavirus
Passengers coming from China face special surveillance,in Ivato.
Exceptional Measures Against Coronavirus. Madagascar is on the alert for the spread of a viral disease in China. People from this country are being monitored.
Last Saturday, Public Health Minister Professor Julio Rakotonirina descended at Ivato airport. He was there to see first-hand the implementation of the strategies. A team of doctors performs a health check on passengers who have just disembarked at the international airport.
"We have no suspicious cases so far", reassures Dr Armand Rafalimanantsoa, Director of Health Watch and Epidemiological Surveillance and Response.
The Ministry of Public Health, However, special attention to ninety-two people. This has been going on since 7 January, which was the beginning of increased passenger surveillance at airports. The vast majority are Chinese. "They were not sick when they arrived at the airport. But as they come from China, we want to follow them closely, in case the disease develops in them. They are not hospitalized, but we contact them frequently", continues the source. This doctor confirms that none of the people monitored has shown symptoms of the disease so far.
What is a coronavirus ?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. They cause diseases ranging from a simple cold (some seasonal viruses are coronaviruses) more severe conditions such as MERS or SARS. The virus identified in China is a new coronavirus, as said above named after the barbaric name of 2019-nCov.
Exceptional measures against Coronavirus in Madagascar
Madagascar, health workers working at ports and airports thoroughly examine all passengers from abroad. They monitor their temperature, their breathing, among others. Among the symptoms of the disease are the state of fever, headaches, discomfort, muscle pain and stiffness in the neck. There are also coughs that can progress to difficulty breathing and diarrhea. Interested parties are also asked about the countries or cities they have stayed in for the past 20 days.
If there is a suspicious case, ambulances are already on site to transport the patient to the hospital where he will be cared for. Throat samples will be analysed at the Pasteur Institute laboratory in Madagascar, to confirm the case.
Since this viral disease is highly contagious and is transmitted from man to man, World Health Organization recommends that everyone wash their hands with soap, to cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief, when coughing or sneezing, avoid contact with a person with flu-like symptoms, to cook eggs or meat well, not to come into direct contact with farmed or wild animals, to reduce the risk of infection.
Airport closure set is not yet on the menu, although many people are calling for it.
Coronavirus gains ground in China
Fifty-six people died of coronavirus nCov 2019 in China, since the declaration of the disease, December, according to France 24. One thousand nine hundred people have been infected. Apart from China, cases have been detected in Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, United States and France. Research for disease prevention vaccines is underway.
In every country in the world, especially China, authorities are taking serious steps to control the spread of this virus.
Coco Lodge Majunga calls on you to be vigilant to fight this virus.
For those affected, cooperate with the authorities and follow the instructions of the doctors.
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By #CocoLodgeMajunga