Mayotte #SaveTurtles #OceanIndien #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Turtle Massacre in Mayotte
Stop the killing of turtles
Since the beginning of the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 in Mayotte, poachers took advantage of the containment and deserted beaches to slaughter sea turtles, whose meat sells at high prices. The Mahorese Environmental Protection Association “Oulanga na Nyamba” issued the alert. Serious solution must be found to stop the killing of turtles in Mayotte, or elsewhere.
It's important to count 28 turtle corpses on Moya's beaches alone since the beginning of the containment. The association alerts the authorities and files a complaint for the destruction of protected species.
An environmental crisis in court
In Mayotte, beaches have been empty since the beginning of containment, and this lack of attendance gives free rein to poachers.
The situation is becoming critical : 28 turtles have been poached since 17 March on Moya's only beach. Every day, new bodies are reported on this beach, who is not the only one to be affected : reports of slaughtered turtles are made all around the island.
Moya is after Saziley the most important spawning beach in Mayotte, and one of the largest in the region. It provides Mayotte with an essential role in the conservation of turtle populations in the region. "The killing of turtles on our beaches is a regional loss. It commits our responsibility. »
The 21 April, Association “Oulanga na Nyamba” has therefore sent a complaint for the destruction of protected species to the Deputy Prosecutor responsible for the environment and alerted the Prefecture to the dramatic situation.
Irreparable negative impacts
Moya is one of Mayotte's jewels : during the day, residents and tourists were enjoying this beautiful beach for swimming, at night the female turtles come to lay their eggs, under the eyes of amazed visitors.
But, at a time when Mayotte wants to turn to the blue economy, destroys the island's riches.
On this beach, formerly peaceful pile up with the corpses of turtles. The smell of rot is omnipresent.
The problem of turtle poaching in Mayotte is not new. Hundreds of turtles are poached every year, endangering the sustainability of the presence of sea turtles in Mayotte. The amplification of the phenomenon during this time of crisis accentuates a situation that was already critical before. And it's not just in Mayotte.
We must act now !
If this situation continues without the action of all the stakeholders concerned, the future of sea turtles will be put into play.
The association “Oulanga na Nyamba” calls for action in the face of this dramatic and urgent situation. Let's unite our skills and means to find a solution to the difficult context !
It concerns all of us. Tourism and the blue economy that depend on marine wealth, Commons, associations, public actors and the state, and especially individuals.
"Let's not let a handful of malevolent people destroy the natural heritage that the people of Mahorese are so proud of ! »
Actually, protecting natural resources concerns us all, wherever we are. In Madagascar, several species of turtles are highly endangered, especially by poachers. Let's protect them, set !
By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
Reminder, Coco Lodge Majunga is both :
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