Majunga, best tourist destination in Madagascar
Majunga, best tourist destination in Madagascar
Madagascar has many destinations that are worth the detour, and Majunga is one of the most beautiful, if not the most sublime of all. Indeed, it is the destination to think about for a total change of scenery.
Majunga : First Tananarivian tourist destination
Port city located on the northwest coast of the Big Island, on the edge of the Indian Ocean, Majunga has always been one of the Malagasy's favorite places for their holidays. Actually, When we talk about vacations in the capital, we immediately think of Majunga.
Du made of its beauty and the wonders it contains, the City of Flowers has also become a key destination for tourists for their trip to Madagascar. The remains of Arab trading posts, the colonial architecture and the Indian mosque bear witness to the city's history and show how cosmopolitan it is.
At Majunga, all people coexist in perfect harmony. There are people from the Highlands (Merina, Betsileo), of the Great South-East (les Betsirebaka), Comorians, Europeans, Indians…
A city always sunny
Majunga is a region that enjoys a warm tropical climate (average annual temperature of 25° with an average thermal amplitude of 10°). The wet season is from December to April-May, and that of the dry season with less than 10° of the total rainfall. And the winds are moderate all year round. (20-30Km/h) with a predominance of the trade winds.
This allows holidaymakers to fully enjoy their stay in the locality and enjoy the sea..
Moreover on the edge of the Mozambique Channel, the tide is not as high and powerful as on the eastern coast. Which gives an optimal condition for those learning to swim.
Exceptional sites to discover with Coco Lodge Tour Operator
In the region, several tourist sites can be visited with Coco Lodge Tour Operator. The most popular are : The Red Circus, The sacred lake Mangatsa, Katsepy, The Anjohibe caves, Descent and ascent of the Betsiboka,…
We also work with renowned partners, real professionals to help you discover exceptional sites namely :
- The Lodge of the White Lands to 100 kilometers south of Mahajanga in Antanimalandy, Mahajamba bay with several exceptional circuits : at the beautiful Moramba bath, the Red Circus, the Kirambo Mangrove, and the baobab alley.
- Adventure and discovered Madagascar with our 3 circuits d’exception dont : Ecolodge Papamena /Anjohibe, Namoroka kinkony and Papamena/Poseidon Combined.
- Column catamaran cruise for any type of cruise around Majunga or north to Nosy Be or south to Belo Sur Mer, Toliara, …
- Sport Fishing with Thierry Gomez, professional fisherman. Ocean Sport Fishing Adventure Madagascar
By #CocoLodgeMajunga
We are also :
- One hôtel★★★ ,
- One gourmet restaurant,
- Un bar piscine,
- One organizer of events and conferences
- A travel and tourism services company (License C),
- And a 4×4 rental