Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Majunga City Centre


Majunga : Development of tourism and crafts

Majunga : Development of tourism and crafts
Film Serge Marizy and Laurence Gilibert : length 7'20

For this last show in the Malagasy West, Serge Marizy and Laurence Gilibert take us to meet tour operators in charge of the hotel at Majunga development and knowledge do local crafts.

An inspiration to every street corner. Majunga is full of surprising diversity. Diversity of population with 18 ethnicities that make up but also diversity of landscapes. Savanna dry under the blazing sun in the humid dark caves, through natural pools, There is only one step.

Tourist facilities are well developed and it is possible to make the most of the surrounding landscapes in a very short time. All types of accommodation, night at the beautiful star or luxury surrounded by nature are present. Majunga is a public destination and the feeling of security is a lot.

In this city, the time seems to be stopped to make way for a certain softness to live, giving rein to the imagination and the most fertile artisitic creations. But the same population of Majunga seems to be also taken of this frenzy of art. Grain of sand after sand grain, develops local crafts.

It's to Majunga, these sediments with different colors of the Red Circus saw the day bottles containing small miniature worlds. Frozen in time, these colorful portraits fill the stalls of roadside vendors.

All also agree that Majunga is usually the last step of travellers, and finally one or they like to dwell, their favorite step.

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