Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay #ActionAgainstPoverty #NelsonMandela #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Nelson Mandela International Day
Mandela Day !
Each year, Nelson Mandela International Day 18 July. It is better known by its English name “Mandela Day”, and has been around for 2010.
This date also corresponds to Nelson Mandela's birthday. And the 18 July 2010, the first celebration, corresponded to his 92 years.
UNESCO Proclaims Nelson Mandela International Day
The 10 November 2009, United Nations General Assembly, UNESCO or the United Nations Educational Organization, Science and Culture, proclaimed this date of the 18 July as Nelson Mandela International Day.
The aim is to to commemorate Nelson Mandela's contribution to peace and freedom, anti-apartheid activist and South Africa's first black president, to "promoting a culture of peace".
During the day, every citizen of the world is called upon to symbolically devote sixty-seven minutes of his time to a work in the service of the community.
Why 67 minutes ?
The 18 July of each year, day of Nelson Mandela's birth, United Nations joins the Nelson Mandela Foundation in urging the world to dedicate 67 minutes of his time to help others. 67 minutes to commemorate the International Day dedicated to him.
Nelson Mandela passed 67 years of campaigning for the cause.
Then, 67 minutes of his time to spend serving others and the public good, in remembrance of the 67 years of militancy of the old South African leader, now deceased.
Tribute by the United Nations
On this day, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr António Guterres, pays tribute to a huge moral figure of the 20th century.
« Chaque année, on the occasion of Nelson Mandela's birthday, we pay tribute to an extraordinary man, World Equality Champion, de la dignité et de la solidarité. »
En 2020, Nelson Mandela International Day is under the theme "Acting, to bring about change".
It is therefore an opportunity to highlight the importance of working together - Governments and Citizens. Set, to build a peaceful world, durable et équitable !
Guterres also calls on us to show solidarity in the fight against coronavirus.
« Ce n’est qu’ensemble que nous pourrons lutter contre la menace commune que représente le COVID-19 et nous relever, stronger, après la crise. »
He also quoted a word from Nelson Mandela in his speech.
« Nelson Mandela nous a rappelé que, "as long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality will persist in our world, none of us will have a real rest". »
« En cette Journée Mandela, let's remember that we can, and have to, participate in the quest for a better future, made of dignity and prosperity for all, where everyone has their chances, sur une planète saine. »
Let's never forget Nelson Mandela and his actions
Let's make sure that this day is celebrated with dignity. It must remain in our memories and in our hearts.
Although the old sage has now died, the United Nations always keeps it on its calendar. And theHotel★★★ Coco Lodge Majunga actually as much.
The world loves birthdays and celebrations, let the world celebrate Africa and Peace today !
« Il est facile de briser et de détruire. Les héros sont ceux qui font la paix et construisent. » – Nelson Mandela.
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But for now, take good care of yourself and your loved ones !