Stop poaching #SaveTurtles #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Stop poaching turtles !
Poaching in Madagascar
Stop poaching turtles ! Thousands of turtles poached in Madagascar. Turtles are arguably among the most exploited animals in the world. They are easy to capture because of their slowness and harmlessness.
We eat their meat, they are turned into pets, and they are also used as pharmaceuticals. And their scarcity only increases their market value.
About 15 000 turtle turtles were caught illegally each year in Madagascar between 2009 and 2016, according to the DGGFPE (Directorate-General for the Financial Management of State Staff).
The animals are destined for domestic and especially international trafficking. In Asia, south-east Asia, but also in the United States transiting through South Africa. They are eaten for their flesh. We turn them into pets, garden decoration or pharmaceuticals.
In northern Madagascar, sea turtles suffer worst spells.
When they return to the beach of their birth to lay their eggs, they are easy prey for the poachers who are waiting for them, armed with machetes.
They cut off their fins and head. They open the shell and collect the meat to sell on the black market, or just to eat them. In addition to natural predators and the effects of erosion, humans threaten the existence of these species. They dig up their nests on the beaches and poach their eggs.
The NGO Soamaneva is mobilizing
The NGO Soamaneva contributes to the preservation of sea turtles in Rigny-Ambolobozobe Bay. The President of this NGO said that "There are five dead sea turtles a week in Ambolobozobe. And they scatter their shells on the beaches and on the remnants of mangrove forest". He also added that turtle hunting is present everywhere, especially on the islets.
Faced with this dangerous situation, the NGO Soamaneva organized a workshop to develop an action plan and the establishment of a regional monitoring committee on the fight against turtle poaching. Regional leaders reflected together on strategies to preserve sea turtles and stop poaching.
The Diana region is home to important sites as potential habitats for sea turtles in Madagascar. Five of the seven species of sea turtles, met in various parts of the world, are present, including the loggerhead turtle (Caretta), The Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), the olive turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), and the nesting turtle (Eretmochelysimbricata).
The islets forming the Nosy Hara Archipelago are nesting sites for green and nesting turtles. These five species are listed, as critically endangered or critically endangered species, in the International Union for conservation of nature's Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN).
Stop poaching turtles !
USAID and WWF launch campaign to combat smuggled turtle trafficking.
The slogan is clear : "I'm not eating, I'm not for sale, I'm not decorative, I'm not exporting. »
For environmentalists, Continued trafficking of endemic turtles threatens to wipe out decades of efforts to preserve Madagascar's natural heritage.
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