Environment - National elk around reforestation #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Environment - National elk around reforestation
A major national reforestation campaign
Environment - National elk around reforestation. To achieve the goal of planting sixty million trees, This year, a national mobilization took place. The craze during the reforestation day, yesterday, allows for a note of optimism.
Changing the face of Madagascar. This is the wish expressed by Andry Rajoelina, President of the Republic, yesterday, at the opening of the national reforestation campaign. As he pointed out, it is with this in mind that he set the challenge of planting sixty million trees, This year.
Sixty million trees planted
The figure sixty million is symbolic. He was chosen to mark the 60 years of the return to independence, but also, to "rewrite a new page in the country's history, (…) Madagascar to be a country where it is good to live again", as stated by the Head of State.
The craze Found, yesterday, indicates that this ambitious target could be achieved. The ecological momentum, Visibly, affected thousands of citizens across the country.
Environment - National elk around reforestation under the leadership of the President
Under the leadership of President Rajoelina, public administration actors have had a strong presence on the ground. The Head of State who celebrated yesterday, the anniversary of his inauguration gave of his person to harangue the population to reforest massively and achieve the goal set for this year. So he celebrated his first year in office in front-line, reforestation. The tenant of Iavoloha chained the shovel blows, scrape the earth over several tens of square meters in order to achieve the goal he set for the day, which is to plant fifty to one hundred shrubs.
In the challenge he launched, Andry Rajoelina, Speaks, Indeed, reforestation. "We're going to end the nickname Red Island", He said, yesterday. "The challenge is being set, The target must be achieved, everyone's responsibility", supported the President of the Republic.
Putting it into practice, yesterday, fararazana, the release by air and soon by drones of "seed bombs", clay balls containing tree seeds, will have to boost reforestation. This method, proven in several countries, is used for the first time in the Big Island.
A national environmental mobilization
Each region organized itself to mark the occasion on this national day of reforestation.
The Boeny/Betsiboka Interregional Reforestation Campaign, ex-Mahajanga province, started yesterday Sunday 19 January. All deconcentred Technical Services (Std) and decentralised territorial communities (Ctd), associations as well as students took part in this campaign. A challenge to combat deforestation as the Boeny region is classified as a red zone for bushfires and deforestation. As in the whole island, regional authorities and students participated in the major reforestation campaign.
The event took place at the Marohogo station, PK 25 on the RN 4 to the capital, Mahajanga district 2. There were more than fifteen thousand participants. One million five hundred thousand young plants, or a million dumplings, three hundred thousand potted seedlings and two hundred thousand seeds were planted on an area of 1 300 HA, divided into three hundred plots.
Faced with the thunderous launch of the national "reforestation" campaign, some recall that Madagascar has been engaged in reforestation for a few decades, but without success. Many questioned a possible monitoring and evaluation of the results of reforestation that bad weather and bushfires put, often in peril. In the Boeny region, authorities have promised that follow-up will be rigorously enforced.
Coco Lodge Majunga also gave his own
In addition to public administration, the private sector, non-governmental associations and organisations have, also, put your hand to the dough. The fact that the state decides to donate the plants free of charge has democratized the campaign for "reforestation", Country.
With his Team young and dynamic, Coco Lodge Majunga has contributed to the building. "We have planted hundreds of young plants. And we also transported the’AGM (Majunga Tourist Guides Association) which is a very protective association of the environment".
Sustainable development player, Coco Lodge Majunga, it is also a Hotel★★★, a gourmet Restaurant, one Four-wheel-drive renter with guide driver and Event organizer (conferences, seminars, workshops, lunches/dinners with themes, wedding, anniversary, boy-girl stag, …).
For your holidays or business trips, the whole team of the Hotel ★★★ Coco Lodge is delighted to meet your expectations and satisfy your needs. Our goal is to offer you an unforgettable stay in the city of Majunga. Coco Lodge TO organises tours of Majunga and its surroundings and many more. Discover the Anjohibe Caves, Ankarafantsika National Park, Sacred Lake, Red Circus, the beaches, the Antrema reserve, the lighthouse of Katsepy, Papamena, The Poseidon, Mahavavy Kinkony Complex, Namoroka tsingys, ….
By #CocoLodgeMajunga