In honor of our mothers ! #JetAimeMaman #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
In honor of our mothers !
Tomorrow, Sunday 07 June 2020, will be Mother's Day. A very special day that we dedicate to our Moms. To remind them of our love, we're going to give gifts to our moms, to make them proud and happy. In honor of our mothers !
Do you know where Mother's Day comes from ?
Mother's Day is well in our ways. But we know where it comes from ?
In any case, Mother's Day is based on the celebration of maternal love. And No., it was not created by marketers, nor by Marshal Pétain.
A quick look back at history ...
Greek mythology : in honor of the mother of the gods
We can find the first traces of Mother's Day in Greek mythology.
In ancient Greece, in the spring, we honour the “Grandmother”, which is a representation of the Goddess Rhea. It is a question of " Cybele " in Roman mythology. Rhea is the wife of her brother Cronos and mother of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.
On this occasion, we were celebrating the 15 March on the Roman calendar the fertility of the Lands, fertility and motherhood.
Ancient Rome : religious holidays of Matronalia and Hilaria
The Romans were the first to celebrate mothers themselves.
Among the many religious festivals, there are two that relate to mothers, motherhood and fertility.
March 1 is the Matronalia. It is a celebration in honour of the “Matrons” who are married women or mothers.
And the 25 March, Hilarias begin. In honor of Cybele, Hilaria are spring days.
Motherhood in Christianity
In Christianity, motherhood is not really celebrated because it would be contradictory to Mary's virginity, Mother of Jesus Christ.
Anyway, several Christian holidays are associated with the Mother of Jesus, but none of these holidays celebrate fertility. Only Laetare Sunday evokes motherhood. And the latter refers to breast milk.
It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent.
Laetare Sunday is "Mothering Sunday" in the UK and Ireland. And for a long time, "Mothering Sunday" was the equivalent of Mother's Day.
Until today, we chose the same date for Mother's Day.
Mother's Day in the United States
En 1870 United States, Peace activist initiates Mother's Day Proclamation. It invites mothers around the world to unite for peace, at the time.
However, It was Anna Jarvis who promoted the internationalization of Mother's Day in the early 20th century.
In this way, she founded “Mothers' clubs” for the purpose of peaceful union. It is thanks to her that the United States declares an official day, en 1914.
Mother's Day in France since 1906
In France, mother's Day celebration in the village of Artas in Isère.
Prosper Roche, founder of the Fraternal Union of The Deserving Family Fathers of Artas, initiated a festive ceremony in honour of mothers, as soon as 1906.
There is also the history of the two wars that led to the internationalization of Mother's Day. Since 1918, mothers and wives who lost children or husbands during the war in the city of Lyon were celebrated.
But Mother's Day will take on a national dimension in France that with Marshal Pétain and his birth policy. En 1941, he added Mother's Day to the calendar.
(Source :
In honor of our mothers !
Nothing is greater than a mother's love. It's unconditional and limitless love. And we all have to, Every day, show our mothers that we love them so much.
But, for tomorrow's day (at Mother's Day), we have to love them even more, and make them even happier.
Give gifts, noodle necklaces, Kiss, cuddle, and say “I love you” to your moms as much as you can !
"A mother's love for her child knows no law, neither pity, no limit. He could ruthlessly annihilate everything that stands in his way. », Agatha Christie said.
Happy Birthday to all the Moms of the World !
By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
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The Mother in Ancient Rome…
First of all, Mater Matula, Goddess of dawn and birth.
Her feast was called "Mother's Day", Matralia. We also find Acca Larentia, seed receptacle, whose name becomes generic in The Lares, who are the good spirits, protectors of fields and harvests.
Laris familiaris was the protective genius of the home. We were celebrating the Laralia, Family party, in honor of these deities.
This cult persisted for a long time. It can be found in public Lares, Crossroads Lares (compitals or viales), Lares Hostilii, protectors against enemies, etc.
These Lares represented the providential spirit of the Woman, looking after the house and providing for all the needs of existence. This is why the Goddess also personified the happy life of that time : Fortuna is the Goddess of Happiness. It has different shapes : Fortuna Muliébris, Fortuna Regina, Fortuna Respicius (Favorable).
From the Sanskrit word Mastri is made in Latin : matri-monialis, matrimonium, Matrona, Maturre.
All this clearly indicates that it is the Mother who is the head of the family and the matured spirit (maturalio) who wisely leads.
At last we arrived and I saw my Mother again ! All the feelings that stirred me faded to make way for one. I will not make my readers the insult of painting them ; because can there be one who hasn't felt it ? Maybe they'll tell me, without giving yourself time to think, that the child is unfortunate enough to lose his mother at the time of his birth, or soon after, must have ignored that feeling. To this, I reply that this child will have carried him on his nanny ; and that, reached an age of reason, the name "mother" alone was enough to make him born in his heart, making it more vivid by the very deprivation of its object.
When everything is done small, women you stay great. (Victor Hugo)
Kind regards.
Thank you for these clarifications !
I read your article “Women's Books, Books of Truths”. It's very moving and interesting too. “The more a child knows his Mother, the more he likes it”.
Thank you.
The Mother in Ancient Rome…
First of all, Mater Matula, Goddess of dawn and birth.
Her feast was called "Mother's Day", Matralia. We also find Acca Larentia, seed receptacle, whose name becomes generic in The Lares, who are the good spirits, protectors of fields and harvests.
Laris familiaris was the protective genius of the home. We were celebrating the Laralia, Family party, in honor of these deities.
This cult persisted for a long time. It can be found in public Lares, Crossroads Lares (compitals or viales), Lares Hostilii, protectors against enemies, etc.
These Lares represented the providential spirit of the Woman, looking after the house and providing for all the needs of existence. This is why the Goddess also personified the happy life of that time : Fortuna is the Goddess of Happiness. It has different shapes : Fortuna Muliébris, Fortuna Regina, Fortuna Respicius (Favorable).
From the Sanskrit word Mastri is made in Latin : matri-monialis, matrimonium, Matrona, Maturre.
All this clearly indicates that it is the Mother who is the head of the family and the matured spirit (maturalio) who wisely leads.
At last we arrived and I saw my Mother again ! All the feelings that stirred me faded to make way for one. I will not make my readers the insult of painting them ; because can there be one who hasn't felt it ? Maybe they'll tell me, without giving yourself time to think, that the child is unfortunate enough to lose his mother at the time of his birth, or soon after, must have ignored that feeling. To this, I reply that this child will have carried him on his nanny ; and that, reached an age of reason, the name "mother" alone was enough to make him born in his heart, making it more vivid by the very deprivation of its object.
When everything is done small, women you stay great. (Victor Hugo)
Kind regards.
Thank you for these clarifications !
I read your article “Women's Books, Books of Truths”. It's very moving and interesting too. “The more a child knows his Mother, the more he likes it”.
Thank you.