Assistance device for the recovery of tourism #COVID19 #OMT #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
UNWTO launches proposal
In the face of the current coronavirus pandemic crisis, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) doesn't stand idly by. It reacts and gives important guidance to member states. THE UNWTO does propose a technical assistance scheme for the recovery of tourism providing guidance to member states.
“C’est maintenant qu’il faut soutenir le secteur du tourisme par des actions concrètes tout en le préparant à émerger plus fort et plus durable de cette crise”
Tourism is one of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19
If we take the case of Madagascar, the coronavirus pandemic has crippled the country's economy since March 2020. Jobs are at risk all along the value chain. 44 000 direct jobs affected and more than 300 000 indirect jobs.
Depending on when the restrictions on travel will be lifted, international tourist arrivals could fall by 60 to 80 % en 2020. Tourism is thus one of the most affected of all the major economic and social sectors.
UNWTO proposal
UNWTO proposes a three-pillar system. Economic recovery first, marketing and promotion afterwards, and strengthening institutions and resilience at last.
This technical assistance device has been designed to helping the government, the private sector and donor agencies to address this unprecedented socio-economic crisis.
He advocates policies and measures to stimulate economic recovery tourism sector. At the same time, they will have to be accompanied by’Impact and needs assessments. Et elles devront aussi s’accompagner de plans nationaux spécifiques à l’appui du redressement du tourisme, among other measures.
In the areas of marketing and promotion, UNWTO stands ready to provide technical assistance to identify markets that can accelerate the recovery, seeking to diversify products and formulate marketing strategies and promotional activities.
The third pillar is that of the strengthening institutions and resilience. In particular, it aims to develop public-private partnership and promote collaboration in support of tourism recovery, and to improve crisis management and subsequent recovery skills.
According to the UNWTO Secretary-General's statement : "Now is the time to support the tourism sector with concrete actions while preparing it to emerge stronger and more sustainable from this crisis. Tourism recovery plans and programs will translate into jobs and economic growth, not only for tourism but also beyond, for all companies. This support will help governments and businesses implement our recommendations for recovery.".
Towards sustainable tourism
The technical support proposed by UNWTO is intended to help members progress towards the development of sustainable and responsible tourism. It aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Programme on the horizon 2030 and 17 sustainable development objectives (ODD).
L’hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga figure est bien concerné à ce sujet.
Indeed, nos activités principales sont :
- theHotel,
- the Restoration (gourmet restaurant),
- 4/4 rental chauffeur guide
- organising events (conferences, seminars, workshops, lunches/dinners with themes, wedding, anniversary, boy-girl stag, …).
- and Tour operator which organises tours on Majunga and its surroundings and many more. Discover the Anjohibe Caves, Ankarafantsika National Park, Sacred Lake, Cirque Rouge and the beaches. Not to mention the Antrema reserve, the lighthouse of Katsepy, Papamena, The Poseidon, Mahavavy Kinkony Complex, Namoroka tsingys, ….
For your holidays or business trips, the whole team of the Hotel ★★★ Coco Lodge will meet your expectations and satisfy your needs with great pleasure. Our goal is to offer you an unforgettable stay in the city of Majunga.
En attendant l’organisation des compagnies aériennes et les decisions des états concernant les voyages…
A La Réunion où le tourisme local reste accessible, la CCI envisage déjà 50% de faillites dans ce secteur.
50 % de faillite…c’est beaucoup.
Nous vivons actuellement une période sans précédent.
Le secteur du tourisme et du voyage est le plus impacté. Des soutiens sont plus que nécessaires.
Madagascar, la CTM (Madagascar Tourism Confederation) nous cherche des solutions, en travaillant avec le ministère de tutelle.
Espérons que ça ira mieux.
En attendant l’organisation des compagnies aériennes et les decisions des états concernant les voyages…
A La Réunion où le tourisme local reste accessible, la CCI envisage déjà 50% de faillites dans ce secteur.
50 % de faillite…c’est beaucoup.
Nous vivons actuellement une période sans précédent.
Le secteur du tourisme et du voyage est le plus impacté. Des soutiens sont plus que nécessaires.
Madagascar, la CTM (Madagascar Tourism Confederation) nous cherche des solutions, en travaillant avec le ministère de tutelle.
Espérons que ça ira mieux.