COVID-19 threatens to reverse progress
COVID-19 threatens to reverse progress
According to a new study by the World Bank Group, COVID-19 threatens to #8217 to reverse progress. Coronavirus pandemic could reverse progress already made on the human capital front over the past decade.
A baseline report on the situation
The Human Capital Index 2020 World Bank Group is built on health and education data collected up to March 2020 in 174 countries that represent 98 % of the world's population. It thus provides a baseline assessment of the health and educational situation of children before the outbreak of the pandemic. Until that date, most countries had made steady progress in strengthening children's human capital.
So far, and before the effects of the pandemic were felt, un enfant né dans un pays type ne pouvait espérer atteindre que 56 % de son niveau de capital humain potentiel par rapport à un enfant ayant bénéficié de services d’éducation et de santé complets.
Protecting people and investing in their future
Le président du Groupe de la Banque mondiale, David Malpass says that "The pandemic threatens to erase a decade of efforts to strengthen human capital, particularly in terms of health, survival rates, schooling and stunting. It has a particularly brutal economic impact on the most disadvantaged women and families. It exposes many vulnerable individuals to food insecurity and poverty."
« Protéger les populations et investir dans leur avenir sont deux mesures cruciales pour jeter les bases d’un redressement durable et sans exclus et d’une croissance dynamique. »
As a result of the pandemic, most of themchildren around the world have been deprived of school and could, Potentially, lose an average of half a year of schooling, taking into account the learning, with a considerable shortfall in the pipeline. These children number more than one billion.
The data also reveal the profound disruptions in essential health services for women and children, many of them who have not received the necessary vaccines.
The Human Capital Index 2020 dresse également un tableau sur dix ans, between 2010 and 2020, changes in performance in this area, which shows improvements in all regions for which data are available and for all income groups. These results are largely attributable to health progress, resulting in better child and adult survival rates and reduced stunting, but also by an increase in school enrolment. Today, coronavirus threatens to wipe out these advances.
At the moment, many countries are at risk of seeing the hard-won gains on human capital disappear.
World Bank Group Shares
The World Bank Group works closely with governments to develop long-term solutions to protect people during and after the pandemic and invest in their future. The group is acting in Ethiopia, Haiti and Mongolia, Burkina Faso, …
Only ambitious health measures, education and social protection, evidence-based, will allow us to regain lost time and empower today's children to surpass previous generations in terms of quality of life and human capital performance. Never has the full realization of every child's creative potential been so important.
Le Groupe de la Banque mondiale, one of the main sources of funding and knowledge for developing economies, prend des rapid and far-reaching measures en vue d’aider ces pays à renforcer leur action contre la pandémie.
"We are committed to supporting public health interventions. And we want to ensure the flow of basic medical supplies. This while supporting the private sector to enable businesses to continue their operations and maintain jobs. We plan to bring up 160 billions of dollars in funding over the past few years, 15 next few months, to help more people 100 countries to protect the poor and vulnerable, supporting businesses and helping the economy recover. This amount includes 50 billions of dollars in new and highly concessional grants and credits provided by IDA. »
Let's thank the World Bank Group pour ses travails remarquables !
By l’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
Reminder, we're also :
- one Hôtel★★★ au cœur de la ville de Majunga,
- one Very gourmet restaurant,
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- and a Tour operator which organises tours on Majunga and its surroundings. (Ankarafantsika National Park, Caves of Anjohibe, Sacred Lake, Circus Red, Beaches, …)