Malagasy Cinematography - Novegasy #MahajangaMaVille #MyMadagascar
Cinematography Malagasy - The Novegasy offer
Malagasy Cinema
Malagasy Cinematography - the Novegasy offer was launched yesterday by Canal Plus aimed at promoting Malagasy cinema. An initiative supported by the Ministry of Communication and Culture.
Survival mode.
This is the situation in which the Malagasy cinematography community has so far become entangled. This observation was made during the relaunch of Canal Plus' "Novegasy" offer in Andohatapenaka. All the gratin of the local cinema met there.
Mined by piracy, lack of means and faltering legislation, malagasy cinema is struggling to develop.
"The seventh art in Madagascar lags behind in development. The anti-piracy system is almost non-existent with questionable effectiveness. However, reforms are under way at the cultural policy level in response to these failures". This is reassured by Lalatiana Rakotondrazafy Andriatongarivo, Minister of Communication and Culture.
A way for this official to highlight the framework for the development of audiovisual. And the Ministry of Culture is carrying out actions promoting film and audiovisual development. It favours a strategy, encourages the emergence and development of a private sector. It is a sector capable of meeting the current and future needs of broadcast channels. This while promoting the distribution and exploitation of film and audiovisual works and their insertion into the various possible circuits..
Despite everything, the sector manages to keep its head up thanks to the talents of a few directors who manage to break into the international scene by winning trophies, through international festivals.
Lova Nantenaina was awarded the Silver Foal at the Pan-African Film and Television Festival in Ouagadougou. The film "Razana" by malagasy director Haminiaina Rakotoarivony, was also selected at the International Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand. "The local market exists. For us, it's about making it a sector that can really make life alive.", argues Anjara Rasoanaivo, Director, whose work "Anjara diso" is featured in Novegasy's line-up.
Designed to contribute to the revival of local cinema, Novegasy concept works on the basis of the same programming mechanics model of Novelas TV.
Starting today, Canal Plus will broadcast a new episode daily for weekday series and marathon replay on weekends. Specifically in the evening, subscribers will also be able to enjoy two feature films as a bonus. "An interesting alternative for most local producers as most of the time, indoor screenings cause losses. This is because the majority of Malagasy consumers opt to purchase a pirated version at a lower cost", explains a director who attended the launch of Novegasy yesterday.
Cinematography Malagasy - The Novegasy offer
In collaboration with Canal Plus, Coco Lodge Majunga supports this initiative and shares the common goal of promoting Malagasy cinema.
By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.
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