Coco Lodge Majunga : Choose three-star comfort for your stay in Majunga
Coco Lodge Majunga : Choisissez le confort trois étoiles pour votre séjour à Majunga Coco Lodge Majunga est un hôtel★★★ de charme en plein centre-ville de Mahajanga, in a haven of calm and greenery. Choose three-star comfort for
Cabaret dinner every Friday evening at Coco Lodge Majunga
Cabaret dinner every Friday evening at Coco Lodge Majunga Every Friday evening, Coco Lodge Majunga organizes a cabaret dinner to discover our cuisine. Variation of foie gras, French specialities, Lebanese, Malagasy, … Cabaret dinner every Friday evening
Live your unforgettable moments at Coco Lodge Majunga
Vivez vos moments inoubliables au Coco Lodge Majunga L’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant Gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga organise des évènements spéciaux comme mariage ou anniversaire ou enterrement de vie de jeunes garçons/filles, … Live your unforgettable moments at Coco Lodge Majunga. We provide a
Mayotte – Majunga : 04 weekly flights from July
Mayotte – Majunga : 04 vols par semaine à partir du mois de Juillet Une excellente nouvelle à la veille des vacances d’été ! Ewa Air will operate 03 additional flights per week on the Mayotte – Mahajanga line from
Coco Lodge Majunga : A charming hotel★★★ in the city center
Coco Lodge Majunga : A charming ★★★ hotel in the city center Coco Lodge Majunga is a charming ★★★ hotel in the city center of Mahajanga, in a haven of calm and greenery. Choose three-star comfort for your stay in Majunga. Coco
Parties and special events at Coco Lodge Majunga
Parties and special events at Coco Lodge Majunga The Restaurant Gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga also offers parties and special events in music to discover our cuisine : declension of foie gras, French specialities, Lebanese, Malagasy,
Coco Lodge Majunga : For your birthday or wedding, …
Coco Lodge Majunga : For your birthday or wedding,
Employee of the month : Congratulations Florine !
Employee(e) of the month : Congratulations Florine ! We present to you our employee of the month for May 2022, Mrs Florine. Nous tenons à la féliciter pour son excellent travail ainsi pour sa détermination à TOUJOURS vouloir satisfaire les clients tous les
Soirée Bretonne ce 20 Mai au Coco Lodge Majunga
Soirée Bretonne ce 20 Mai au Coco Lodge Majunga Le 19 mai c’est la fête de la St Yves ou "Gouel Erwan", le patron des avocats en breton. Ker Coco Lodge Majunga, nous allons fêter tous ensemble la Bretagne ce vendredi 20
Coco Lodge Majunga : Discover our new swimming pool
Coco Lodge Majunga : Découvrez notre nouvelle piscine Coco Lodge Majunga est un Hôtel★★★, a Gourmet Restaurant but also a Bar and Swimming Pool. Indeed we have brought a touch to the latter. Discover our new swimming pool. Discover our new swimming pool [video width="856" height ="480"
How to attract more tourists in Mahajanga – Madagascar ?
How to attract more tourists in Mahajanga – Madagascar ? Mahajanga is a city on the northwest coast of Madagascar. Despite these stunning sites to visit, Mahajanga has struggled to attract tourists in recent years. How to attract more tourists in
Coco Lodge Majunga : friday jokes this april 1st
Coco Lodge Majunga : friday jokes this april 1st Yes, April 1st is the day of jokes 😊 😊 😊 We could have made it a first and told you that this Friday at #CocoLodgeMajunga, there was no gourmet dinner