Employee of the month : Congratulations Mrs. Jocelyne !
Employee of the month : Congratulations Mrs. Jocelyne ! We would like to congratulate Jocelyne for her excellent work. She won the title of employee of the month for February 2023. Well done Jocelyne ! Who is Jocelyne ? SOAZAFINIRINA Jocelyne is one of the chambermaids
08 March 2023: Exceptional women's evening at Coco Lodge Majunga
08 March 2023: Soirée des femmes exceptionnelle au Coco Lodge Majunga Ce 08 March 2023 from 7:30 p.m. at Coco Lodge Majunga, let’s savor International Women’s Day around a good cabaret dinner with musical entertainment by Mifa
Coco Lodge bought the Thi Lan bakery
Coco Lodge a racheté la boulangerie Thi Lan Le 1er janvier 2023, the Hotel * Restaurant gourmand coconut Lodge Majunga started its bakery activities. Indeed, Mr Hery RAJOHARISON, owner of restaurant and bakery Thi Lan, was looking for a buyer for his bakery,
Congratulations and Well done Eva !
Congratulations and Well done Eva ! Eva won the title of employee of the month for January 2023. Congratulations and well done Eva ! You fully deserve it. She got the maximum points, according to the average of the marks that each of
Coco Lodge*** Majunga : An ALL-IN-ONE hotel★★★
Coco Lodge*** Majunga : Un hôtel★★★ TOUT EN UN Coco Lodge*** Majunga est un hôtel★★★ TOUT EN UN en plein centre-ville de Mahajanga, in a haven of calm and greenery. Choose three-star comfort*** for your stay in Majunga. Coco Lodge***
Valentine's Day at Coco Lodge Majunga
Saint Valentin à Coco Lodge Majunga Comme chaque année la Saint Valentin se fête à Coco Lodge Mahajanga, this Tuesday 14 February with a wonderful dancing cabaret dinner hosted by Mifa Groupe and Oasis Dance https://www.facebook.com/events/940921680560826/ Nous vous attendons pour une
A big BRAVO to his 3 chefs Malagasy
A big BRAVO to his 3 chefs Malagasy Merci aux 3 chefs Malagasy, Chefs Lalaina RAVELOMANANA, Fenosoa RAHAJAMALALA and Bodo RAKOTOVAO for having carried the colors of the Big Island high thanks to their culinary expertise. Always sent. The 17 to the 19 January
Coco Lodge Majunga : Your workshop hotel
Coco Lodge Majunga : Votre hôtel d’ateliers L’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga est aussi un hôtel d’ateliers et de conférence. Entrust us with your conferences and events (meeting, seminar, atelier, anniversary, wedding, engagement, boy-girl stag, …). Coco Lodge
Bravo and Congratulations Falina !
Bravo and Congratulations Falina ! We would like to congratulate Falina for her excellent work. He won the title of employee of the month for December 2022. Bravo Falina ! Congratulations Falina ! Bravo and Congratulations Falina ! You worked so hard, the whole team has it
Coco Lodge Majunga : Best wishes for the year 2023 !
Coco Lodge Majunga : Best wishes for the year 2023 ! The Coco Lodge Majunga team presents to you its best wishes for 2023. Health, Happiness and Prosperity to you, your family, to your friends and all your loved ones. That the year 2023
Merry Christmas to all !
Merry Christmas to all ! Merry Christmas to all ! Christmas, it's a unique day where daily worries give way to happiness, to the magic, to the sweetness, surprises and love. It's the day when
Cabaret dinner with dance lessons every Friday evening at Coco Lodge Majunga
Dîner Cabaret avec cours de danse tous les Vendredis soir au Coco Lodge Majunga Tous les vendredis soir, the Gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga restaurant organizes a musical dinner with dance lessons totally free. [video width="1280" height ="720" webm="HTTPS://www.cocolodgemajunga-madagascar.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Diner-gourmand-Eric-Petitjean-Lite.webm"][/video] Cabaret dinner with lessons