Celebrate Valentine's Day at Coco Lodge Majunga #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Come and celebrate Valentine's Day at Coco Lodge Majunga Whether alone or as a couple, for or against the celebration of love, We always ask this question : “What am I going to be able to do on the evening of
Madagascar – Only African producer of Caviar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Madagascar - Only African producer of Caviar The island becomes the first African producer of caviar. Madagascar is an island full of resources for food lovers, well-known for its spices. Madagascar - Only African caviar producer. We knew his chocolate., on
Restaurant open continuously from noon #CocoLodgeMajunga #MahajangaMaVille #MyMadagascar
Restaurant open continuously from midday Gourmet Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga Restaurant open continuously from midday in the town of Majunga, Coco Lodge is available all day long. We will always be available for you
This Friday, it's royal couscous at Coco Lodge Majunga #MahajangaMaVille
This Friday, it’s royal couscous at the Coco Lodge Majunga restaurant. Couscous is a real complete meal. A dish which combines many qualities and which certainly cannot be missed. Couscous is undoubtedly the traditional dish
Good mother's day ! An opportunity to meet up with family #Fêtedesmèressolidaire2019
Good mother's day ! Une occasion de se retrouver en famille. Origines de la fête des mères C'est aux Etats-Unis qu'est née la fête des mères, qui fut particulièrement célébrée au cours de la première guerre mondiale. Indeed, l'éloignement familial dû aux
The modern Malagasy cuisine marries the #cuisinemalgache architecture
The modern Malagasy cuisine marries the architecture. "When modern cuisine meets architecture", This will be the name of the culinary event signed by Chief Andry Nath Randrianasolo, which will take place in the capital of the 5 to the 8 September 2019
Gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga exceptional JAZZ dinner the 22 and 29 March
Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga exceptional JAZZ dinner 22 and March. Exceptional evenings on Fridays 22 and 29 March to 19 hours 30 at the gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga in Majunga Be. For his 2 evenings, the famous saxophonist Nono and
The Malagasy caviar is exported and is eaten at Coco Lodge Majunga
Malagasy caviar is exported and tasted at Coco Lodge Majunga Madagascar is an island full of resources for foodies, well-known for its spices. Recently, the island produces caviar. Acipenser Madagascar, the first sturgeon farm
The history of foie gras, already at the time of the Pharaohs... it was a 'liver'... #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
The history of foie gras, already in the time of the pharaohs… he was a “liver”… The history of this delicious dish that is “foie gras”… it all begins indeed, at the time of the Pharaohs. As evidenced by Egyptian frescoes
Tourism, a sector key to the world #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Tourism, un secteur clé dans le monde Au cours des soixante dernières années, Tourism has continued to grow and diversify, becoming one of the most important economic sectors and fastest-growing in the world. Between
International day of gastronomy the 21 September #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
International day of gastronomy the 21 september French gastronomy has been included in 2010 to the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. This recognition was followed by the launch of the "Feast of gastronomy" en 2011. Initiated in 2011 to the
Special memento Madagascar February 2018 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Mémento Spécial Madagascar Février Un hôtel★★★ de confort et de charme [caption id="attachment_7616" align="aligncenter" width ="830"] Special memento Madagascar February[/caption] The hotel ★★★ Gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge in Mahajanga has been forged, for many years, a reputation for friendly, point de départ idéal à la découverte