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Indian Ocean Entrepreneurs Crossroads -CEOI- #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille

Indian Ocean Entrepreneurs Crossroads -CEOI-

20 years after this crazy decision to create the Crossroads of French Entrepreneurs, with five business leaders from a wide variety of backgrounds, Carrefour continues its activities.

The founders were and are :


Quatre fondateurs sur les cinq sont toujours là vingt ans après, with the sole objective of developing friendly relations between executives and business leaders in the Indian Ocean region : un millier aujourd’hui.

Le Carrefour « ESPACE D’AMITIÉ DANS LES AFFAIRES » est heureux de vous annoncer que nous avons passé la barre des 1000 sympathizers, 20 years later. All names are published in the latest directory with exactly to date :

  • 751 supporters in Madagascar
  • 83 supporters in Mauritius
  • 100 supporters in Mayotte
  • 52 supporters at the Reunion
  • 17 supporters in Comoros
  • 02 supporters in Seychelles

Total : 1005 sympathizers

In January 2019, le bureau des fondateurs s’élargissait pour accueillir quatre nouveaux administrateurs en charge des Ile voisines :

  • Catherine DUBREUIL for Mauritius
  • Ali MAHAMOUDOU for the Union of the Comoros
  • Norbert MARTINEZ for Mayotte
  • Dominique DENAT for Seychelles

In January 2020, le bureau des fondateurs s’élargissait encore pour accueillir cinq nouveaux administrateurs en charge des territoires malgaches :

  • Salim KARMALY for the Hauts Plateaux
  • Jean-Michel FRACHET for the South Coast
  • Eric PETITJEAN for the West Coast
  • Gérard DIORE from PERIGNY for the East Coast
  • Daniel LOZES for the North Coast

The President of the Office : Xavier DESPLANQUES

In its programme of activities, le Carrefour a décidé de venir à la rencontre des entrepreneurs cadres et chefs d’entreprise de la Côte Ouest à l’occasion d’un dîner-rencontres organisé au Coco Lodge Friday 6 March from 6:30 p.m..

Eric PETITJEAN, administrateur au bureau du CEOI en charge de la Côte Ouest de Madagascar, will be there alongside the President of the association for the organization and conduct of this exceptional dinner.

All supporters and friends of the Carrefour supporters are invited to this dinner. Many of the region's economic and political figures will attend and speak with you.

The fee for attending this dinner-meetings is set in Ar 39 000.-

We're waiting for you.


Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.


  • 21 February 2020

    Brunelleschi RANDRIANJATOVO

    Hello! Intéressant! Une petite question: est-ce que je pourrai y assister à ce dîner-rencontre. Quel démarche suivre?
    Merci bien, Brunelleschi (un simple citoyen)