Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Majunga City Centre

January 2025

MADAGASCAR AIRLINES RENFORCE SA FLOTTE AVEC UN 5EME AVION Madagascar Airlines annonce l'ajout d'un cinquième avion dans sa flotte d'ici fin mars 2025. Ce projet ambitieux s'inscrit dans un plan stratégique pour renforcer la connectivité aérienne nationale et soutenir l'industrie touristique

Coco Lodge Majunga : Well done to our housekeepers, collaborators of the month of December 2024 At Coco Lodge Majunga, The excellence of our services is at the heart of customer experience. Et cela est en grande partie grâce à notre équipe des

TOURISM : A PRESTIGIOUS CRUISE ON THE WEST COAST OF MADAGASCAR IN 2025 Madagascar will be one of the main stops on a prestigious cruise organized by the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). It will take place from 7 to the 23 November 2025. The planned stops

EMIRATES AJOUTE UN 6ème VOL ENTRE DUBAÏ ET MADAGASCAR Emirates annonce l'augmentation de ses fréquences de vols entre Dubaï et Madagascar, passing from 4 to 6 weekly flights from April 2025. This initiative aims to support the growth of

FLY-LI : UN SOUTIEN AERIEN POUR LA RECONSTRUCTION DE MAYOTTE Fly-li s'engage activement pour la reconstruction de Mayotte. This by strengthening mobility between the islands and supporting the local economy through the opening of regular flights from March 2025. Fly-Li :

Back to school in Mayotte : Un effort constant pour la réouverture des écoles À Mayotte, authorities are making considerable efforts to ensure the reopening of schools after the devastation of Cyclone Chido. This is so that students can resume their