Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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December 2024

Madagascar Airlines : An ATR 72-500 pour soutenir le tourisme à Madagascar Madagascar Airlines franchit une étape décisive dans son développement en accueillant un nouvel ATR 72-500. Un avion moderne destiné à dynamiser ses opérations et soutenir la croissance du tourisme

VOLS INTERPROVINCIAUX : UNE REDUCTION TARIFAIRE POUR LES VOYAGEURS MALAGASY Madagascar Airlines offre une réduction importante des tarifs des vols interprovinciaux, making air travel more accessible for many Malagasy travelers. Une baisse significative des prix des vols interprovinciaux Les prix des

Coco Lodge Majunga : Congratulations to the room team, collaborator of the month of November 2024 At Coco Lodge Majunga, every service and every warm smile comes from a team of passionate and dedicated waitresses. Their hard work, leur esprit d’équipe sont les

SOLIDARITY AND RESILIENCE : MAYOTTE SE RELEVE APRES LE CYCLONE CHIDO Le cyclone Chido a dévasté Mayotte. But thanks to local solidarity and external support, the island is recovering with strength and determination, illustrating a model of resilience in the face of

Mayotte: Port Longoni au service d’une économie durable Cette semaine, the Mayotte Port Council has taken a key step in the modernization of the port of Longoni. The objective is to support the economic growth of the island while integrating environmental issues.

Madagascar Airlines strengthens its fleet for the end-of-year holidays 2024 As the end-of-year holidays approach, Madagascar Airlines is making additional efforts to ensure smooth and reliable air transport. This while meeting strong demand

Madagascar African 3x3 basketball champion 2024 Women & Hommes Cette année, Madagascar made world 3x3 basketball history at home in Antananarivo. Indeed Madagascar won the African champion titles 2024 in the female and male categories

Madagascar Airlines : Nouvel ATR en cours et réactivation d'un autre avion Madagascar Airlines poursuit son expansion et sa modernisation avec l'arrivée imminente d'un nouvel ATR. It is accompanied by the reactivation of another aircraft under repair. This thereby reinforcing