Olympics : Laura Aina Rasoanaivo enters the fray in Paris
Olympics : Laura Aina Rasoanaivo entre en lice à Paris La judokate Laura Aina Rasoanaivo, in the category -70 kg, will be the third Malagasy to compete at the Paris Olympic Games 2024. She will fight the British Katie-Jemima Yeats-Brown. That
Flamingo season is in full swing in Majunga
La saison des flamants roses bat son plein à Majunga Chaque année, from July to August, pink flamingos appear southwest of Majunga, on Baly Bay, boeny region. Flamingo, a beautiful bird ! The flamingo
Madagascar Airlines is getting ahead
Madagascar Airlines prend de l’avance La compagnie Madagascar Airlines annonce la remise en service de son MSN 813 which was under maintenance. This aircraft will allow it to better respond to growing demand and the development of its activities. Madagascar Airlines : discount
Madagascar in cooperation with Réunion
Madagascar en coopération avec la Réunion Le 22 July 2024, the president of the Regional Council of Reunion Island met the president of the Malagasy Republic. She discussed the modernization of the visa processing software used by
Madagascar and its impressive history
Madagascar et son histoire impressionnante Madagascar, 04th largest island in the world, located in the Indian Ocean is a land of adventure, rich in flora and fauna, in culture, but also in history. This story begins with the arrival of the first inhabitants on the island.
SIX COMPAGNIES AERIENNES DE DROIT MALAGASY AUTORISEES A OPERER DES VOLS COMMERCIAUX L’Aviation Civile de Madagascar (Acm) revealed the list of air carriers under Malagasy law approved to carry out commercial flights. Les six compagnies aériennes de droits malagasy Auparavant, only Air
Melvin Adrien joins Paris-Saint-Germain Academy Pro
Melvin Adrien intègre le Paris-Saint-Germain Academy Pro Le portier international malagasy, Adrien Melvin is the new goalkeeper coach of PSG (Paris Saint Germain) Academy Pro. Il partagera ses expériences à la fois en tant que joueur et en tant qu’entraineurs
A hotel★★★ Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga, a dream stage in Madagascar
A hotel ★★★ Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga, une étape de rêve à Madagascar Coco Lodge Majunga est un hôtel de charme en plein centre-ville. Rated three stars, well located, in a green setting, in the heart of Majunga Be, in the immediate vicinity
Congratulations and Bravo Steiner !
Congratulations and Bravo Steiner ! Steiner has been working with Coco Lodge Majunga for several years. This time, he won the title of collaborator of the month of June 2024. Your dedication makes work much more enjoyable every day. You deserve it all
Madagascar is among Africa's most important exporters
Madagascar figure parmi les exportateurs les plus importants de l’Afrique En 2023, the big island had 339 million dollars in exports under Agoa. As such, Madagascar is among the most important exporters on the market
Majunga, a city of wonders
Majunga, une ville des merveilles Madagascar est un pays touristique qui attire de nombreux voyageurs du monde chaque année. In this article, we will show you another tourist hotspot on the Big Island which is the town of Majunga
Majunga in celebration : Seafood Festival
Majunga in celebration : Festival de fruits de mer Ce 05, 06 and 13 July 2024, an unmissable tourist event will take place in Majunga. The town of Majunga will celebrate with the seafood festival. The fruit festival