Coco Lodge Majunga in videos
Coco Lodge Majunga in videos : A dream stage in Madagascar ; and a starting point for many excursions
146 passengers arriving in Madagascar
Arrived on a commercial flight from Mauritius, 146 passengers landed in Madagascar. The Coco Lodge Majunga Team is waiting for you.
France flights – Madagascar
France flights - Madagascar Air France and Madagascar Airlines now offer flights to France - Madagascar, effective from 06 November 2021. 02 weekly flights with Madagascar Airlines Madagascar Airlines announces two weekly flights for
Destination Madagascar with Air Austral
Air Austral has just announced to its customers the resumption of its flights between Reunion and Antananarivo as of this 26 October 2021, by reason of 2 weekly frequencies, Tuesdays and Fridays.
How to come to Majunga ?
To reach Coco Lodge Majunga, it's easy to go through Antananarivo, and once in Antananarivo, we take care of you to allow you to reach Majunga by road in full SECURITE.
Air Madagascar would become “Madagascar Airlines”
After 60 ans d'existence, she will change her name". This would be his 03rd appellation
Opening of the borders of Madagascar
Opening of the borders of Madagascar. The Council of Ministers has finally announced dates for the resumption of international flights
Quarantine for passengers arriving in Madagascar
Quarantine for passengers arriving in Madagascar The country's borders remain closed, and there is no opening date announced so far. On the other hand, certain people are allowed in. They must therefore follow rigorous procedures, including the
staffs : Call for projects 2022
staffs : Call for projects 2022. Support system for the associative fabric of French people abroad, a grant to associations.
Air : Air Madagascar explains
Air : Air Madagascar explains. 'The 3 Twin Otter are not currently on sale, and no procedure has been launched for this purpose”
Olgina won the hearts of the great family of artists
Olgina won the hearts of the great family of artists. But it was Rickel who was crowned the most beautiful voice in Madagascar. Olgina won second prize, while Fameno won the “Coup de Coeur”
International gastronomy award 2021
International gastronomy award 2021. France wins its eighth Bocuse d'Or. Discover good French dishes in Majunga