08 March International Women's Day #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
08 March International Women's Day
The idea of an International Women's Day came to light at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, period in the industrialized by the expansion and the hustle and bustle world, explosive population growth and the emergence of radical ideologies.
International Women's Day theme 2020 : "I'm from the Equality Generation : Stand up for women's rights".
"Women are the future of man", wrote Aragon. She also helped write history.
The edition 2020 International Women's Day, which is celebrated today 8 March, will be the theme : « I'm from the Equality Generation : Stand up for women's rights". This theme coincides with UN Women's new multi-generational campaign, Equality Generation, which marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Programme of Action. Adopted in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, in China, Beijing's Agenda of Action is considered the most progressive roadmap for women's and girls' empowerment around the world.
The year 2020 is an unexpected opportunity to inspire global action to achieve gender equality and respect for fundamental rights for all women and girls.
08 March International Women's Day – Women who made history
The international women's day is the story of ordinary women who made history. It has its roots in the struggle by women for centuries to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greek, Lysistrata initiated a “sexual strike” against men to put an end to the war. During the French revolution, Parisian asking “freedom, equality, Brotherhood” marched on Versailles to demand the right to vote for women.
And here's a list, non-exhaustive women who have made history :
Eve Venus Gaia - Women with the Origins of the World
Cleopatra – The bewitcher
White castile - Outstanding Politician
Joan of Arc – The fighter
Mary Read and Ann Bonny - Women Pirates
Teresa of Avila – Power and grace
The Marquise of Sévigné – Mischievous epistolorous
Ninon de Lenclos – The libertine
Emilie du Châtelet – Science woman
Catherine II – Modernising Russia
Olympus of Gouges – The cause of women
Cixi – Empress of China
George Sand – Another way to be a woman
Marie Curie – First woman Nobel Prize
Hannah Arendt – The Courage of Thought
Camille Claudel – Shadow and light
Melanie Klein – Child psychoanalysis
Alexandra David-Néel – A Parisian woman in Lhasa
Maria Montessori – Teaching differently
Simone de Beauvoir – "You're not born a woman, we become one"
Simone Veil – The fight for IVG, Two centuries of feminist struggles
Rosa Parks – Sitting to stand
Germaine Tillion – Committed ethnologist
Margaret Thatcher – The Leadership in the feminine
A single date in the world
The international women's day is celebrated the 8 March each year by women's groups around the world. It is also celebrated at the United Nations and, in many countries, It is a day of national holiday. When women from all continents, often divided by national boundaries and ethnic differences, linguistic, cultural, Economic and political, gather to celebrate their day, they can see, If they throw a look back, that it is a tradition that represents at least 90 years of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.
The United Nations organized International Women's Day 2020 a ceremony held at the United Nations Secretariat in New York on Friday 6 March 2020 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..
The purpose of the ceremony was to bring together the new generations of women and girls who, gender equality activists and women's rights advocates and pioneers who have played, there's more of that 20 years, a leading role in the development of the Beijing Agenda of Action. The meeting provided an opportunity to celebrate the artisans of change regardless of age and gender and examined how they could work together to solve the unresolved problem of the empowerment of all women and girls over the next few years..
The ceremony was punctuated by speeches by senior United Nations officials, intergenerational dialogue with gender equality activists and musical performances.
Chronological markers
1909 – According to a statement by the American Socialist Party, the first national women's day was celebrated throughout the territory of the United States, the 28 February. Women continued to celebrate the day the last Sunday of February until 1913.
1910 – The Socialist International meeting in Copenhagen has introduced a women's day, international character, to pay tribute to the movement for women's rights and to help get the suffrage of women. The proposal was approved unanimously by the conference which included most of 100 women from 17 country, including the first three women elected to the Finnish Parliament. No specific date has been set for this celebration.
1911 – Following the decision taken at Copenhagen the previous year, the international women's day was celebrated for the first time, the 19 March, in Germany, in Austria, the Denmark and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and to hold public office, They demanded the right to work, vocational training, and the cessation of discrimination in the workplace.
Less than a week after, the 25 March, the tragic fire of the Triangle in New York workshop claimed the lives of more of 140 workers, for most of Jewish and Italian immigrants. This event has had a strong influence on labour legislation in the United States, and it spoke of working conditions which had brought this disaster during the subsequent celebrations of the international day of women.
1913-1914 – In the context of the peace movement which fermented on the eve of the first world war, Russian women celebrated their first international women's day on the last Sunday in February 1913. In the other countries of Europe, the 8 March to one or two days of this date, Women held rallies either to protest the war, is to express their solidarity with their sisters.
1917 – Two million Russian soldiers have been killed during the war, Russian women have again chosen the last Sunday in February to strike to obtain ” bread and peace “. Political leaders protested against the date chosen for the strike, but women have overlooked. The rest is in the history books : four days later, the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional Government granted the right to vote to women. This historic Sunday fell the 23 February in the Julian calendar which was then in use in Russia, but the 8 March on the Georgian calendar used elsewhere.
These years, the international day of the woman took a new global dimension in developed countries as in developing countries. The feminist movement in full swing, that had been reinforced by four world conferences on women held under the auspices of the United Nations, has helped to make the celebration of this day the rallying point for coordinated efforts to require the realisation of women's rights and their participation in the political and economic process. More and more, the international women's day is the perfect time to reflect on the progress made, request changes and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.
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